A moment of serenity and completeness.........
I began my love for photography when I was a kid
while hanging around my grandfather who was always taking pictures of family
events and outings which always brought him happiness to his life. I began to
thrive for that moment. The moment of serenity and completeness is achieved.
This has been known to happen from time-to-time in my work. Where an idea
is brought to a moment of visual depiction generated through life events, a
unique location, or a visual emotion of my fantasy world.
Currently the act of collaborating with my team of creative individuals or the subject matter of the shoot has been driving the process to the moment of completeness. Where an idea is brought to a moment of visual depiction. Currently these ideas are being generated through life events, fantasy's that have been triggered whether it is by a piece from a designers collection, a unique location, or a visual emotion of ones fantasy world. Then through the collaboration of my creative team who bring their own flavors to the table and by mixing their areas of expertise to the pot and creating a chain reaction resulting in an explosive visual outcome of the idea. Which is similar to how I see the creation of food. It is a collaboration of ingredients which each has their own unique flavor but when combined they create a colorful explosion of taste in ones mouth. So, by taking the ingredients of light, emotion, fashion, food, nakedness, sexuality, environment, and the visual change that I am forcing on subject matter by reacting through my lens and pulling it back through my camera sometimes violently mind altering the false reality that was recorded.
The great thing about each idea is that the basic process is the same but the each path to the visual depiction of the idea is always changing with each unique idea.